5 research outputs found

    Formatívne hodnotenie vo výučbe chémie

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    In Slovakia, no systemic steps have yet been taken regarding the implementation of formative assessment in teaching. Promoting formative assessment in practice is not easy and its implementation requires a system support, such as educational materials, digital collections of formative assessment tools, methodological materials, onsite and online teacher education, etc. In the presented thesis, we dealt with many of these areas - we created and optimized a collection of formative assessment tools for students and teachers for thematic units Mixtures, Water and Air for K7. Similarly, we trained teachers to implement formative assessment tools into their lessons. The effectiveness of this teaching was observed in terms of developing conceptual understanding. Moreover, verifying students' and teachers' attitudes towards formative assessment was studied. The analysis of results showed that formative assessment provides feedback to all participants. Formative assessment helps to improve students' outcomes, even at higher- order cognitive skills area. At the same time, it provides the teacher with feedback for the adaptation of the next lesson, also considering the student's opinion. Through the implementation of formative assessment in teaching, teachers perceive the importance of students'...Na Slovensku doposiaľ nedošlo k systémovému kroku, v súvislosti s implementáciou formatívneho hodnotenia do výučby. Presadzovanie formatívneho hodnotenia do praxe nie je jednoduché a pre jeho realizáciu je potrebný podporný systém, ako sú vzdelávacie materiály, digitálne zbierky nástrojov formatívneho hodnotenia, metodické materiály, systém kontaktného a online vzdelávania učiteľov a podobne. V predloženej dizertačnej práci sme sa mnohými z týchto oblastí zaoberali - vytvorili sme zbierku nástrojov formatívneho hodnotenia pre žiaka a učiteľa v tematických celkoch Zmesi, Voda a Vzduch 7. ročníka základnej školy, realizovali sme vzdelávanie učiteľov, ktorí implementovali pripravené a optimalizované nástroje do výučby. Následne sme overovali účinnosť tohto vzdelávania z hľadiska rozvoja konceptuálneho porozumenia, overovania postojov a názorov žiakov a učiteľov k formatívnemu hodnoteniu. Z analýzy výsledkov výskumov vyplynulo, že formatívne hodnotenie poskytuje spätú väzbu všetkým zúčastnením, ktorá pomáha zlepšovať výsledky žiakov a to aj na úrovni vyšších kognitívnych procesov. Zároveň poskytuje učiteľovi spätnú väzbu pre adaptáciu nasledujúcej hodiny a to aj s prihliadnutím na názor žiaka. Prostredníctvom implementácie formatívneho hodnotenia do výučby vnímajú učitelia význam sebahodnotenia žiakov,...Department of Chemistry EducationKatedra učitelství a didaktiky chemiePřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc

    Formative assessment in the chemistry education

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    In Slovakia, no systemic steps have yet been taken regarding the implementation of formative assessment in teaching. Promoting formative assessment in practice is not easy and its implementation requires a system support, such as educational materials, digital collections of formative assessment tools, methodological materials, onsite and online teacher education, etc. In the presented thesis, we dealt with many of these areas - we created and optimized a collection of formative assessment tools for students and teachers for thematic units Mixtures, Water and Air for K7. Similarly, we trained teachers to implement formative assessment tools into their lessons. The effectiveness of this teaching was observed in terms of developing conceptual understanding. Moreover, verifying students' and teachers' attitudes towards formative assessment was studied. The analysis of results showed that formative assessment provides feedback to all participants. Formative assessment helps to improve students' outcomes, even at higher- order cognitive skills area. At the same time, it provides the teacher with feedback for the adaptation of the next lesson, also considering the student's opinion. Through the implementation of formative assessment in teaching, teachers perceive the importance of students'..